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Jane Cable - SPRC

Jane C. Cable
Chairperson of Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Retiring after 35 years as an English teacher/supervisor and Assistant Principal for Curriculum in a faith-based secondary school, Jane brings her leadership skills in personnel relations to the CCUMC Roundtable.  While instructing and guiding others, she also advanced her own knowledge by earning three Masters degrees with the last one being an MA in Theology.  The in-depth study of Biblical scriptures and Christian history have enhanced her contributions to the Wednesday Bible Study program with Brother Bob Anders leads and to retreat programs for the community.

Jane is dedicated to the mission of Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church in welcoming all who enter our doors.  Her experiences as a leader in a faith-based school have honed her skills in communication, organization, and fostering collaborative environments.  She also understands the importance of encountering others "where they are" and nurturing their individual spiritual growth and well-being.  Jane strives to support the church staff in their ministry and to help them flourish in their rolls.

As chairperson of SPRC, Jane seeks to foster open communications and to create an atmosphere of trust and collaboration.  She values the input of the staff and the congregation, working diligently to make certain their voices are heard and their concerns and needs are addressed.  Through her own business as an educational consultant and grant-writer, she knows their concerns.  Jane Cable plays a vital role in the spiritual growth and well-being of CCUMC.  Her dedication to faith, education, and service makes her an asset to the SPRC and the church community.

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