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Our History

Our history dates back to 1876, when a group of Methodists gathered in a schoolhouse to worship.  The congregation grew over the years, and in 1887, they built their first church building on Main Street in Cedaredge.  The church was made of logs and was known as the "Log Cabin Church."

The first pastor of CCUMC was Reverend Hiram M. Smith.  He was appointed to the church in 1876 and was the pastor until 1882.  Reverend Smith was a highly respected member of the community and was instrumental in the early growth of the church.  Rev. Smith was "a man of great intellectual power and high moral character," and rendered valuable service to the church and community.

In 1904, the congregation built a new church building on 3rd street.  This building was made of stone and was known as "Rock Church."  The Rock Church is still used today and is one of Cedaredge's most recognizable landmarks.


Here are some of the key events in the history of Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church:

  • 1887: The congregation builds their first church building on Main Street

  • 1904: The congregation builds a new church building on 3rd Street.

  • 1949: the church is renamed Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church.

  • 1976: The church celebrates its 100 anniversary.

  • 2004: The church celebrates the centennial of the Rock Church.

  • 2022:  Adopts the Welcome Statement

  • 2023: The church continues to serve the community and grow in its mission.

Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church

210 NW 3rd Street   (PO Box 369)

Cedaredge, CO 81413


©Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church 2024

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